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Conditioning the shoulders for handstands and more

FREE 75min vinyasa flow

Opening the hamstrings for handstands and more

FREE 75min vinyasa flow

Exploration of twists on all fours and other half bow shapes

FREE 70min vinyasa flow

Standing balances flying towards galavasana – flying pigeon

FREE 70min vinyasa flow

Journey towards astavakrasana – 8 angle pose

FREE 60min vinyasa flow

An upbeat flow to tap into a moment of bliss

FREE 75min vinyasa flow

Flowing hip stabilisation and standing transitions – playing with adduction and abduction

FREE 70min vinyasa flow

Open the heart – Sun burst sun salutes

17min sunburst sun salutes

Balance, twist, turn – Sun burst sun salutes

19min sunburst sun salute

Active strengthening backbends and variations of ashtanga namaskar

60min vinyasa flow

Gentle flow and restore – safety, satisfaction, connection – part3

60min gentle flow & restore

Gentle flow and restore: safety, satisfaction, connection – part2

60min gentle flow & restore

Gentle flow and restore: safety, satisfaction, connection – part1

60min gentle flow & restore

A journey towards koundinyasana I + II, with some interesting balances thrown in

60min vinyasa flow

Finding balance through twists – Sun burst sun salutes

15min sunburst sun salutes

Strong shoulders, open hips – Sun burst sun salutes

19min sunburst sun salutes

Shoulder strength, heart opening towards natarajasana – dancing Shiva

60min vinyasa flow

Shoulder stability and mobility, side bends and twists towards side crow

60min vinyasa flow

Stability & instability – hamstring opening + balancing: bird of paradise, splits

60min vinyasa flow

Gentle flow and restore, Prana Vayu, full free class

60min gentle flow & restore