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The Panchamaya Kosha

a 4 week meditation course

Body, heart and mind are inextricably linked. Our thoughts influence our physical health, which influence our emotions and so on. To make sense of the different aspects of our being and what they mean for how we experience the world, the yogis describe a model of 5 sheaths, or layers, of being – the Panchamaya Kosha.


This 4 week course will explore this map of the human being. We travel from the most tangible part – the physical body – to what could be called the core of the self, or the ground of our being. 

WEEK 1   |   WEEK 2   |   WEEK 3   |   WEEK 4

Week 1 – Annamaya Kosha

To download practices: right click and choose ‘save link as’

Week 2 – Pranamaya Kosha

To download practices: right click and choose ‘save link as’

Week 3 – Manomaya Kosha

To download practices: right click and choose ‘save link as’

Week 4 – Vijnanamaya and Anandamaya Kosha

To download practices: right click and choose ‘save link as’