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The 4 elements

Earth, water, fire and air

In the ancient wisdom traditions 4 (or sometimes 5) elements are described as the basic components that everything in nature is made of. Contemplating them forms part of the first foundation of mindfulness in the Buddhist teachings and is also mentioned throughout yogic philosophy.

Week 1

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In this body what is hard or rough is the earth element, what is flowing or cohesion is the water element, what is maturing (ripening) or heat is the fire-element, what is pushing or supporting is the air element.


Week 2

To download practices: right click and choose ‘save link as’

Week 3

To download practices: right click and choose ‘save link as’

Week 4

To download practices: right click and choose ‘save link as’

Additional resources

A quick read

The Elemental Self, Ayya Khema 

An academic article

Four Element Meditation, Bhikkhu Anālayo

And finally if you have much more time and energy, here’s a very detailed description and instructions

4 elements meditation, Pa-Auk Sayadaw