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Space – connecting inwards and outwards

60min vinyasa flow

Fire – playing with strength and confidence

60min vinyasa flow

Yoga for a healthy back

FREE, 36mins

Kakasana – crow pose


A playful approach progressing towards ardha bakasana

60min vinyasa flow

Play with stability and mobility for the whole body – Creative Play

23min creative play

A journey towards koundinyasana I + II, with some interesting balances thrown in

60min vinyasa flow

Active strengthening backbends and variations of ashtanga namaskar

60min vinyasa flow

Hip opening and core strengthening with flying lizard variations

60min vinyasa level 1

Hip opening and core strengthening with flying lizard variations

60min vinyasa flow

Core stability for deepening backbends, knees-chest-chin play

60min vinyasa level 1

Core stability for deepening backbends, knees-chest-chin play

60min vinyasa flow

Side plank to twist transitions towards twisted koundinyasana

60min vinyasa flow

Stabilise and mobilise hip and back and build core connection – Creative Play

22min Creative Play