Week 1
Working with anxiety and stress
- Anxiety and fear
- What does stress do in the body?
- How do we create stress?
- Creating resources through learning
- Tips for inner resources to meet stress and build resilience
- Pause to be mindful. Be aware of what is happening around you and inside you. Stay present.
- Acknowledge feelings as they are there. Allow them to be there.
- Calm the body – take 3 breaths where the exhale is longer than the inhale (keep that comfortable).
- Notice that you’re basically alright right now.
- Eat well
- Stay active
- When you go out, stay grounded.
- Develop agency: learn more about what you feel threatened by, so that you have a balanced picture.
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- Talk – how we experience stress and what to do with it, 20mins
- Practice – let be, let go, let in, 15mins
- Tutorial on sitting posture options
- Feeling Safer, an short excerpt from Resilient by Rick Hanson
- Long read: Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers by Robert Sapolsky
”Why should you want to exclude any anxiety, any grief, any melancholy from your life, since you do not know what these conditions are accomplishing in you
Rainer Maria Rilkefrom Letters to a Young Poet

Week 2
Mindfulness, self-compassion, self-care
- What is self-compassion
- Mindfulness, kindness, common humanity
- Why practice self-compassion
- Tips for inner resources and self care
- Pause to ask yourself: What’s the kindest thing I could do for myself right now?
- Be aware of what wears you down, take it seriously and do what is in your own power to reduce it.
- Tune into your breathing and a sense of mindful presence when going about your work or talking to others.
- Use a soothing touch: offer yourself a hug, place a hand on your heart, etc.
- In the first and last 30 mins of your day disconnect from email, social media, and news.
- Bring to mind that feeling of being on your own side.
- Whenever you feel stuck or powerless, look for something – no matter how small – that you can usefully do to feel more active and potent.
- Appreciating something that is already pleasant.
- Choose to see what’s joyful and uplifting – right here, right now, regardless of conditions and circumstances.
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- Talk – relating to yourself with care and compassion, 12mins
- Practice – cultivating self-compassion, 13mins
- 3 Reasons to Be for Yourself, an excerpt from ‘Resilient’ by Rick Hanson
- Long read: Self-compassion by Kristin Neff
”It only takes a reminder to breathe,
Walk slowly, Danna Faulds
a moment to be still, and just like that
something in me settles, softens, makes
space for imperfection.
The harsh voice of judgment drops to a whisper
and I remember again that life isn't a relay race;
that we will all cross the finish line;
that waking up to life is what we were born for.
As many times as I forget,
catch myself charging forward
without even know where I'm going,
that many times I can make the choice to stop,
to breathe, and be, and walk slowly into the mystery.

Week 3
Safety, satisfaction, connection
- Our basic needs: safety, satisfaction and connection
- Gratitude
- Tips to increase a sense of connection
- Make time to connect with other people regularly
- Ask people for support to empower them to help you.
- Support others. Standing up for others is healing for ourselves.
- Tell someone you care about them or appreciate their work. Thank them.
- Think of 3 new things that you’re grateful for, every day.
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- Talk – our basic needs, 20mins
- Practice – expanding the circle of ‘us’, 17mins
- Long read: Happiness by Matthieu Richard
”If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone. If you see a wise person who steers you away from the wrong path, follow them. The company of the wise is joyful, like reunion with one’s family. Therefore, live among the wise, who are understanding, patient, responsible and noble. Keep their company like the moon moving among the stars.

Week 4
Developing resilience – savouring the good
- Working with environment, body and mind
- Savouring the positive
- Tips to grow a resilient core
- Stay active (whatever kind of exercise or activity).
- Keep the brain active – keep learning, practice mindfulness
- Get proper rest – sleep as much as you need to.
- Use the beginning and the end of each day to replenish yourself.
- Listen to your needs: What is the kindest thing I can do to myself?
- Connect with others – give and accept help
- Doing positive things every day or having positive interactions creates trait resilience.
- Pursue your aims and your relationships with generosity, compassion and forgiveness.
- Keep practicing!
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- Talk – building resilience, 24mins
- Practice – savouring the positive, 15mins
- Bodyheartmind: My website with guided meditation and relaxation practices
- Regular meditation courses & training
- The Importance of Learning (excerpt from resilience)
- Long read: Resilient by Rick Hanson
”In the beginning nothing comes, in the middle nothing stays, in the end nothing goes.
Milarepa (1040-1123)